Reiki Level 1

Reiki Level 1

a profound journey

Why learn Reiki?

Learning Reiki will not only give you the ability to heal yourself and others, but will take you on a profound journey of increased self-awareness, emotional balance, inner peace, and a deeper connection with the universal life force. Becoming a Reiki practitioner can also open the door to a fulfilling career, and for those already offering services such as yoga, massage, hypnotherapy and coaching, Reiki is a useful tool in further supporting your clients. 

to find your inner peace

Why learn Reiki with me?

With 30 years’ experience in training, my philosophy is that learning should be engaging, experiential and participant-centred. It should also inspire, provoke reflection have a practical application.
I also strongly believe in the importance of fostering a sense of community and encouraging the sharing experiences and insights, while at the same time recognising the individual journey of each participant, and offering personalised guidance support. 

and heal yourself & others

Course Content

  • History of Reiki
  • What Reiki is, how it works and its benefits
  • Reiki Science
  • The 5 Reiki Precepts
  • Attunement to the Reiki energy
  • Reiki for self-healing, personal growth, healing and inner balance
  • Physical and emotional anatomy
  • Reiki for treating others
  • Guided practice sessions giving and receiving Reiki
  • Traditional Japanese meditation, breathing and energy practices
  • Energy preservation, cleansing and protection

What you will learn

Level 1 is a 2-day course, which will provide you with an introduction to the system of Reiki as well as the procedure and practicalities for using Reiki energy for self-healing and to treat others. The course offers a balance between theory and practice and includes both traditional Japanese practices and Western techniques. Through a combination of input, practical healing sessions, meditation, as well as opportunities to share and ask questions, you will acquire all the tools you need to develop your own daily self-healing practice and offer Reiki healing to friends and family. 
Reiki Level 1

What's Included

A lovingly crafted 110 page manual

Level 1 Certification

Level 1 Attunements

Ongoing Support and Advice

Access to Reiki Shares & Circles


Level 1 Training

Reiki Level 1
End of August 2024 – dates coming soon!
Freebird Studio, Berawa
Duration: 2 days
Cost: IDR 4,400,000

Start your Reiki training today.